MARKOV Moses Alexandrovich (May 13, 1908 - October 1, 1994).
Academician (1966), Corresponding Member (1953), Doctor in Physics and Mathematics.
He was the Academician-Secretary of the Department of Nuclear Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences from 1967 to 1988, initiator and one of the organizers of the creation of the Institute for Nuclear Research, who made a decisive contribution to the formation and implementation of its scientific program.
From 1980 to 1994, he headed the Department of Deep-Water Neutrino Detection at INR.
He was an outstanding theoretical physicist in the field of quantum mechanics, classical electrodynamics, quantum field theory, elementary particle physics, gravitation theory, neutrino physics, cosmology, physics methodology.
He was one of the first to use the method of multi-temporal formalism. He put forward the idea of creating a theory of non-localized fields; developed the concept of a dynamically deformed form-factor and predicted the possibility of the existence of a large number of excited states of mesons and baryons with a short lifetime - resonances discovered later; proposed a program for solving the problems of elementary particle physics at accelerators; developed models and classification of particles; proposed a model of an extremely massive particle - a maximon and a particle of minimal size containing a collapsed Friedman world - a friedmon; considered possible scenarios for the development of the Universe and pointed out the possibility of avoiding a singularity during compression; predicted an increase in cross sections for neutrino many-particle processes with energy, which was later confirmed experimentally.
In the late1950s, he was the first to formulate and substantiate proposals for the creation of large underground and underwater detectors as one of the most promising areas for the development of neutrino physics and neutrino astrophysics. With his great support and personal participation, pioneering installations of the Baksan and Baikal neutrino observatories were created, which ensured the leading position of the Institute in this rapidly developing field of science.
He made an invaluable contribution to the development of fundamental and applied research in nuclear physics and strengthening its material and technical base.
He had a great influence on formation of scientific worldview of a whole generation of well-known scientists-physicists. He actively participated in the Pugwash movement.
His name was included in the INR RAS Book of Honor in 2000.
Awards: Hero of Socialistic Labor (1978), four Orders of Lenin (1968; 1971; 1975; 1978), Order of the Badge of Honor (1953)