Neutrino astrophysics, cosmic rays physics -
Russia-USA Gallium-Germanium Experiment SAGE
The experiment is carried out in the specially built
underground laboratory at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory of INR RAS
in Russia. The rock gives an overhead shielding equivalent to 4700
m.w.e. and reduces the muon flux by a factor of 107. The SAGE data of
92 runs during a bit more than half the 22-year cycle of solar activity
from January 1990 through December 2001 gives a capture rate of
solar neutrinos in gallium metal with energy more than 233 keV
The predicted Standard Solar Model rate is 130 SNU.
The SAGE results combined with those of all other solar
neutrino experiments have allowed us to make the first estimate of the
electron neutrino pp flux that reaches the Earth of
(4.6 ± 1.1)* 1010 n/(cm2*s)
Assuming that neutrinos oscillate to active flavors the pp neutrino flux
emitted in the solar fusion reaction is
    (7.7 ± 1.8)* 1010 n/(cm2*s)
in agreement with the standard solar model calculation:
(5.95 ± 0.06)* 1010 n/(cm2*s)
To determine the oscillation parameters in the solar
sector more precisely additional data are required, especially from the experiments which are sensitive to low energy neutrinos. SAGE continues to perform
regular (every four weeks) solar neutrino measurements with 50 tons of
gallium with reducing statistical and systematic uncertainties.