Main Results
- Unique installations have been constructed to provide fundamental and applied researches at the world's level in a wide range of modern physics branches, many of them became centers of collective use.
- A team has been formed of highly skilled scientists whose work is appreciated all over the world. Scientific schools were organized to prepare a lot of specialists in the field of nuclear physics, a system of scientific personnel training was created.
- Of special interest is theoretical research in the field of high energy physics, elementary particle physics and cosmology, including development of the perturbation theory in the quantum theory of field, studies of vacuum structure in gauge theories, development of research methods of dynamics of hadron strong interactions beyond the perturbation theory, research of the processes beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles, construction of many-dimensional theories, description of baryon asymmetry of the Universe and studies of correlation between particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology, construction of models of dark matter and dark energy.
- INR researchers contributed a lot to create detectors for the Large Hadron Collider (CERN), study and substantiate the main directions in the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model.
- INR physicists created a number of unique devices for some large-scaled world installations and in collaboration with scientists of the leading world centers obtained new results in the field of accelerator physics and verification of fundamental foundations of elementary particle physics.
- The world's best statistically based result of measuring the solar neutrino fluxes has been obtained which is one of the most significant existing experimental evidences for our understanding of physics of the Sun and the discovered new properties of neutrino: the mechanism of changing neutrino flavor in vacuum and matter; a powerful artificial neutrino source was constructed; a Gallium-Germanium Detector was calibrated which demonstrated a high efficiency of germanium atoms extraction and set the tasks of further investigations.
- We've got the world's best parameters of kaon rare decays, limits on probability of a double K-capture in 78Kr, 124Xe and double beta- decays of some elements.
- New experimental data on nuclear reactions with participation of intermediate energy protons, neutrons and photo-nuclear reactions have been obtained; new effects in relativistic nuclei collisions have been observed.
- New data have appeared in research of wide atmospheric showers in the vicinity of the energy spectrum knee and at higher energies at the INR installations and in the leading international collaborations.
- A direct experiment has given the world's best restriction on the neutrino mass value; the setup is now being modernized to increase its sensitivity
- Special technologies are fruitfully developed for production of a wide range of radioactive isotopes for diagnostics and therapy in medicine and engineering, a beam therapy center is under way. First groups of patients have been treated; innovation devices and methods for medical and technical use have been elaborated.
- In deep-water experiments we've got the world's best limits on the flux of high-energy natural neutrinos, on the existence of new hypothetical particles; a design was prepared and construction of the telescope of the size of 1 cub. km started.
- Long base experiments have provided us with neutrino oscillation parameters and contributed a lot to construction of detectors.
- A transport code SHIELD has been created for modelling interactions of hadrons and nuclei with complicated microscopic targets, which can be widely used in various spheres.
- Some ingenious methods have been proposed and developed for radio- and radio-astronomical detection of cosmic neutrinos of superhigh and extremely high energy by using arctic ice and the Moon's surface as neutrino targets.
- Micropixel avalanche photodiodes and position-sensitive detectors of elementary particles have been elaborated and produced.
- On the basis of the pulsed neutron source IN-06 a number of neutron-graphical installations: HORIZON, MFNS, HERCULES and some others have been put into operation which considerably widened the range of investigation of condensed state of matter and nanomaterials.
- A record collapse of the elementary crystal cell containing cerium at high pressure has been discovered.
- In the framework of international monitoring of the neutrino emission from supernova explosions the best restriction on the frequency of gravitational star collapses in the Galaxy has been obtained.
- On the lead slowing-down neutron spectrometer LSDNS-100 some unique neutron data have been obtained for atomic power in physics of minor actinide fission.
- The most powerful in Russia proton linear accelerator has been created which is regularly used for physical experiments, isotope production and beam therapy.